What is Creamed honey

Creamed honey is pure honey that has been whipped during its natural crystallization process.  Whipping causes the formation of smaller and rounder crystals, resulting in honey that has a smooth creamy texture.  Creamed honey always appears lighter in color than liquid honey.  This is because the glucose crystals are opaque, whereas liquid glucose is translucent. 

why does honey crystallize

 There are two types of sugar that make up honey: glucose and fructose. Glucose is the bit that crystallizes and different honeys have different levels of glucose depending on the type of flower the nectar came from. 

Another factor is pollen. Raw, unfiltered honey has pollen particles present in it.  Those little particles create a surface for the crystals to begin forming, so they also speed up the process. Temperature also plays a role and if you keep your honey in a cold location the crystallization process will happen much quicker. 

  The reason why supermarket honey stays liquid for a very long time is that most honeys you find on a supermarket shelf have been filtered (taking out the beneficial pollen) and heated up, which destroys the beneficial enzymes in honey.  This process stops crystallization but also damages the honey.